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The 2024 Riyadh Season World Masters

18 March 2024 No Comment

The 2024 Riyadh Season World Masters was the first-ever professional tournament played in Saudi Arabia. It was an invitational event for the top ten players in the World plus two local wild cards and took place at the Global Theater, Boulevard City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia from 4 to 6 March 2024. Grove was represented by Mark Selby, Ding Junhui, and Luca Brecel.

Ding lost narrowly to Ali Carter in the first round proper (4-3). Mark was seeded in the quarter-finals, where he lost to Mark Allen in the deciding frame (4-3). Luca, on the other hand, was close to the form that earned him his Crucible triumph last season. He made it to the Final. Ronnie O’Sullivan awaited… and proved too strong for Luca as he beat him by 5-2 in the title match.

All detailed results are available on snooker.org

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