Home » Ding Junhui, Luca Brecel, Mark Selby, Neil Robertson

The 2024 World Championship

13 May 2024 No Comment

The 2024 World Snooker Championship took place at the Crucible Theatre in Sheffield (England) from the 20th of April to the 6th of May 2024. Luca Brecel was the defending Champion. The event was won by Kyren Wilson who beat Jak Jones – a qualifier – by 18-14 in the final.

It was a pretty miserable event for the Grove players.

Neil Robertson needed to qualify but didn’t manage it. He was narrowly beaten by Jamie Jones in the last round of qualifiers (10-9).
Luca Brecel, Mark Selby, and Ding all lost in the first round proper.

All the results are on snooker.org.

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