Home » Ding Junhui, Luca Brecel, Mark Selby, Neil Robertson

The 2024 World Open

13 May 2024 No Comment

The 2024 World Open (officially the 2024 Huading Nylon World Open) took place from 18 to 24 March 2024 at the Yushan Sport Centre in Yushan, China. Judd Trump was the defending champion, having won the event in the last, pre-covid, edition in 2019. He successfully defended his title. He beat Ding by 10-4 in the final.

There were two rounds of qualifiers for this event and all Grove players negotiated them successfully. Luca though lost in last 32 to Stephen Maguire (5-1). Mark Selby went one better losing to Jackson Page in the last 16 (5-2).

Neil Robertson and Ding met in the semi-finals. Ding prevailed in a deciding frame (6-5). This defeat for Neil meant that he wou;ld have to qualify for the 2024 World Championship.

All the results can be found on snooker.org

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